
George Smith is a murdering Scum

I've created this spot so that anyone who wants to post either their disdain or support for George Smith aka GAS, Ronald Charles, or Troy Crook could do so without fear of being shut down.

Since I am the moderator if I don't like what you have posted I will remove it, however, I haven't removed anything in the past so why start now. Let me start this by saying I heard George Smith had his innocence when he went into jail, but that is no longer the case and he needed stitches.


Jesse said...

Leave any comment you want, any facts about the case, or theories, will can always follow up with the stories by the press.

me said...

why did they close the other one down?

Jesse said...

In one of the posts on the first site that was shut down the news moderator said it was going no where and he was going to shut the comments section down. I'm figuring he's going to do that to the all the stories.

Jesse said...

I emailed Ms.Givens sister. She has some website space, I'm hoping she'll open a blog spot on her website www.sandraanngivens.com. But I'm not counting on it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ok., who is ME?

Anonymous said...

Well guys, not to blow up the comment section or anything but I really hate the other forum's were shut down. Just when I started asking questions and hoping once more for some honesty. Not that any of my questions will help the case, it would just be hear say, and the detectives have ours wrapped up anyways. But, some answers would be nice just for myself. I need some form of closure. This is not your normal grieving process.

Jesse said...

Answers seem to be hard to come by.

Jesse said...

If you are having difficulty leaving comments please keep trying, if there is a bug I will try to fix it.

lovemykids29 said...

maybe this will work i had to go in and change everything cause it only let me post that one comment

lovemykids29 said...

oh and by the way I was me lol

Jesse said...

Finally, something worked right.

lovemykids29 said...

lol i guess none of the other posters are gonna come here and try to defend him now huh?

Jesse said...

of course not, they finally believe the truth that George Smith is guilty of murder.

lovemykids29 said...

so who was niner69? was she a relative or just a friend of george

Jesse said...

She sure sounds like a close relative, but I think I read that she was a coworker or friend or something.

Jesse said...

Hey if the George Supporters would like it, I'll set up a separate Blog Page for just you. No moderator, just you, I promise I won't post a single thing to the page, however, remember it will be open to everyone else. I will respond to any attacks on this page only, but your page is your page.

ardj2008 said...


ardj2008 said...


Jesse said...

No, the freaks are the ones who support George Alan Smith and his lies. Fan club for murderers exist, you must be one of the founding members.

Jesse said...

Here's the blog spot for the Smith fan club:


Anonymous said...

WOW. That's calling the kettle black. You're here too, right. :)

Anonymous said...

Is there any way of talking privately to someone on this site?

Jesse said...

No way of to have private conversations, have to switch to the THV website to do that.

Jesse said...

I received a message from someone I'm not identifying without their permission, so please don't ask.

The murder weapons were a hatchet and a metal pipe, found in a barrel of oil at George Alan Smiths place of Employment.

Just another link to George lets count them.
1) Car victim was reported last seen in is the same type of car George Smith drives
2) Confession from Charles implicating George Smith
3) Victim found mere feet from where George Alan Smith Works
4) Murder weapons linked to George Alan Smith's employer and found on George's employers premises.

Anonymous said...

So Jesse was there anything else said after I left my last comment this morning? I haven't been able to log back in all day to anything and when I came back all forums were disabled even the one you said was open for a little while.

Jesse said...

Nothing that I saw, now all the forums mentioning the murder, George Smith or Ron Charles have their comments section disabled.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to leave one last comment saying good-bye to all. I will not be returning here or to any other forum until an update has been released concerning these cases, IF then. May GOD Bless and protect the innocent and may justice prevail! To Jesse, thank you for your kindness. To those that were insensitive and felt the need to attack me and my family when we are the true victims's here May God bless you as well.

Anonymous said...

seems you got left all alone so why don't you come on over to


your input is more than wanted

Jesse said...

I wouldn't accept any invitation from the scum surrounding George Alan Smith, I did however, save all the pictures you and yours posted. I can see by the background of the Christmas photo how filthy the conditions his family lived in. That wasn't just disorganization it was disgusting. What low lives would let children around that. How gross.

Jesse said...

OMG, did you see the picture of his sister, what a slut.. no accounting for trailer trash. When you see what kind of low life trailer trash family George Alan Smith comes from, it's no wonder he turned out the way he did. George's family thinks he'll be coming home on the 25th, it's not going to happen. Case is pretty much sealed up tight and his family can just go pound sand.

Jesse said...

Doesn't look like George is getting out anytime soon. He had a hearing, and guess what, he still is guilty and he still sits behind bars. His Family must be so proud. First he murders his own child and now he murders a young woman. He should have put away a long time ago, with the rest of his low life trailer trash family.

Jesse said...

George doesn't have another hearing until Jan. He's in it for the long haul. The only people commenting on the Pity Party Parade's blog is niner the die hard, must be his mother or something. Instead of praying for the truth, which is already out, that George Alan Smith, murdered his own child several years ago and last year he murdered a young woman, niner is praying for his freedom now, to afraid of the truth. He's a lowlife and now he has been exposed for what he is.

Jesse said...

Opps, looks like I got another update, there's a hearing on the 11th of this month and another scheduled in Jan. George's ship is sunk, there is so much evidence and I mean hardcore forensic evidence that there is NOOOOOO way George is going to get out of this. Maybe his backwoods trash family will see the light. Probably not, they just know what that idiot George the murderer keeps telling them. How are they going to explain that George and the Victim together, not to mention not one, not two, not three but four separate witnesses who saw George and the victim together in a dark mustang the day she disappeared.

Jesse said...

Saturday, June 07, 2008
TOP STORY >>Double murder puts men in jail
Leader staff writer

A Cabot man is being held without bond in the Faulkner County Jail on charges of murder, aggravated robbery, theft and being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to Maj. Andy Shock of the Faulkner County Sheriff’s Office.

Ronald Dean Charles, 31, of 45 Oak Meadows Drive in Cabot, was arrested at his residence Monday by Faulkner County sheriff’s deputies, assisted by the Cabot Police Department, according to Shock.

Charles and Roy Allen Crook, 29, of 2716 Moro Lane, Jacksonville, were charged in connection with the April 9 murder of cousins Bobby Don Brock, 45, and Lonnie Franklin Brock, 62, according to documents on file atthe Faulkner County Courthouse.

Shock didn’t want to discuss the cause of death, but one published report says the bodies were found with blunt trauma wounds. One man was found in the house and one in the yard at their residence near Vilonia.

Crook was arrested April 10, Charles on June 2. The arrests were the result of evidence and witness statements, Shock said.

No further arrests are expected, according to Shock.

Each man is charged with two counts of capital murder, two counts of aggravated robbery, two counts of theft of property and two counts of being felons in possession of a firearm.

Firearms were among items allegedly stolen by the pair during commission of the crimes, according to the felony information on file with the Faulkner County circuit clerk.

Both men have prior records, Charles’ record stretching back to a 1995 Pulaski County conviction for two counts of commercial burglary and two counts of theft of property.

He was 18 at the time, and was sentenced to two years in prison. In 1999, he was sentenced to six years for residential burglary and theft of property.

Crook was convicted in Pulaski County for residential burglary in 2000, probation revocation in 2001, and was convicted in 2006 of fraudulent use of a credit card.

In addition to the charges related to the Brock killings, Crook also faces charges of parole violation, failure to comply and has a hold placed on him from another county, according to information provided by Shock.

Pretrial motions for Charles are slated to be heard in circuit court in Vilonia Aug. 28.

He was declared indigent at Tuesday’s arraignment.

new-gurl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jesse said...

Well it looks like either the stripper or the drug addict sister wanted to say something but chickened out. It might be hard for the uneducated to form a complete sentence or thought related to anything but the next fix or the stripper poll.

Jesse said...

I had to add pictures of the Killer, but lets give credit where it is due. The pictures were property of the Murder's family, posted on the internet for all to see on their separate blog of "Loving George Alan Smith". To bad, the pictures weren't copyrighted before download, otherwise I wouldn't have had access. Now that they were put on the web, well no disclaimer, download possible.

Jesse said...

I wondered where George was when his grandfather died in a bizarre accident involving a member of the Bovine family, no I don't mean his fat sister the cow. Nope an actual real live bull, again not the sister.

It seems that not only is the general public fair game to this murderer, but also close members of his immediate family. Seems like George started practicing his murdering skills on his family first. The most helpless and the most innocent victim being his own infant daughter. He is truly sick.

JusticeNow said...

George Allen Smith is a drug dealer too.

Jesse said...

Is there any doubt, about that. I mean you can follow his progression through crimes. Drug dealing is just part of his personality, murdering seems to come out on top of his continuing violence. I mean if his wife had to take her remaining living children and flee to a domestic violence safe house for her and her children's safely there was violence there. Yet you still read posts from the wife supporting and defending her murderous husband. Heck, now that he's away, there's no chance of him killing anymore of her children, she can start her life over. Yet there she is defending him instead of changing her and her children's names and getting out of town.

Tiffany said...

Jesse, did your dog baby face die in pain?

Tiffany said...

Also, its illegal to post pictures from a private site to the public of children. The police are being notified of your actions.

Tiffany said...

By the way, chubby girl is the oldest of the 4 smith children. She is not the drug addict. Give your facts straight idot.

Jesse said...

Oh Tiffany, notify the Police please please please, then educate me and bestow about me the great knowledge of the law that you possess in that small inadequate brain of yours.

If you didn't want the pictures posted then you and yours shouldn't have posted them. Once they are on the web with no copyright then guess what, they are up for grabs. It's like a bill board on the freeway, anyone can take a picture of a bill board since it was in plain public view. Probably should have put a copyright statement on your blog page when you made it viewable for the public. I followed all procedures necessary to use the pictures, including adding a statement of where they came from.

I can't apologize for your ignorance and lack of education. That is your own fault.

Why would I want to get facts straight regarding the Smith Family, when they are so obviously morons, criminals, druggies, strippers and whores. I can't imagine anyone seeking a closer relationship with such low life trash. Enjoy the pictures, maybe I will use a photo shop program and add some more graphic details. Why not picture your brother getting his first taste of BUBBA. Hey why not ask him how Bubba tastes for me won't you?

Jesse said...

It must be frustrating to go to the police and have them ignore every request you have made. They are sick of hearing from you with your useless excuses and and over dramatic stories. Tiffany, you should know by now that they think you are a low life scum that likes to tell stories. Come on, did you really believe that law enforcement would be conned by your stories of "He was set up", come on. When are you going to get a grip and understand that people see you for what you really are, scum not fit to be in the cracks of my boots.
Your understanding of the law stems from you constant involvement in criminal activity, not based on any case law or reality for that matter. So crybaby go crime me a river for the sorry state you and your family put themselves in.

Jesse said...

So Smith had his hearing today, his pretrial hearing is scheduled for for April 6, 2009 at 8:30 am, where various motions will be considered. His actual Jury Trial date is scheduled for May 18, 2009. Thanks Smith Family, you are a well of information. To bad you still haven't discovered which one of you that I'm getting my information from. You think they are loyal...... but guess what.....

I_am_Here said...

I know something the whole Smith family, except George, doesn't know, he has a 15 year old daughter! How do I know this? She is my daughter!

Jesse said...

Gosh, that's a shocker, I hope the 15 year old doesn't know who her real father is. It would suck to suddenly find out that you are a daughter of the murderer.

inside_stranger said...

looks like george isn't going to be getting out like they thought (imagine that). charles can hope for a deal all he wants, but with 3counts of capital murder the only deal he will get is his order for his last meal. As far as crook goes seems no one cares where he's going, and we all know where that is.

Jesse said...

You're right, that murdering scum George Smith, won't be getting out. Not now, not in the foreseeable future. The GAS family have prayed for the truth to be revealed and apparently that prayer has been answered.

Charles won't ever be a free man again. I'm just hoping for a quicker trial, the first two counts have just been dragging. I have no idea when the court will set a date for the trial. Unless he pleads guilty to all charges, I can't imagine this going any quicker.

Crook deserves nothing less then a painful death, he got off on his first count where he murdered an 11 year old boy. What a POS.

None of these low life scums serve any purpose on this earth. Nothing they can say or do could possibly benefit humanity in anyway. As far as sentencing is concerned all three of these monsters need to be put down just like the dogs they are. They forfeit their right to life when they took the lives of their victims. There is no chance that any of those pieces of garbage can be reformed in any way and I hope the court will be able to see that. They are a waste of the air that they breath and the space that their bodies occupy. There is no reason in the world to keep vicious animals like Smith, Charles and Crook alive for any longer then it takes to convict and sentence them.

It's unfortate that any of them spread their DNA around to create little versions of themselves. There is no hope left for the children that Smith's wife has, for not only is crime in their nature, but they are being nurtured by the same individuals and environmental factors that produced the monster Smith himself. Hopefully the 15 year is in a better situation. It's good news to hear that Smith's family doesn't know about her or she may become their next prodigy.

Jesse said...

I don't know why the Smith family keep supporting George Alan Smith. It's inconceivable that anyone would EVER stand beside a murderer, not just a murderer, but a vicious, violent, brutal murderer suspected of even taking the life of his own infant daughter.

It's simply amazing what a family will forgive it's family members. At some point, even the lowest of the low stop forgiving at murder.

Normal people immediately distance themselves from those type of family members. Heck, some have been known to change their names and move away. But in George Alan Smith's case, his family condone and excuse all his actions as "simple mistakes". Really tells you alot about this family, but it doesn't stop there, even the in-laws excuse this monster's behavior. So I assume that when it comes to the mate these type of people choose, they try to choose one that is very similar to their own family. Condoning vicious and brutal murder is certainly a red flag when someone is dating a member of that family. I suppose it has alot to do with a families morals and values.

Jesse said...

It must be something amazing to the Smith clan, that George is STILL in jail. Awaiting a trial for murder. I mean surely if he was just "set-up" like the family believes then authorities would have discovered their horrible error and made certain he was released.

Is it possible that George is exactly where he belongs? Not according to the scum GAS comes from. Gosh I hope he is rotting like the bad apple he is. Maybe they'll keep him under "POLICE PROTECTION" you know the 23 hour a day lock up until the trial. It's nice to know that he is not as comfortable as he would be at home. But might as well make himself at home in jail because he is going to be there for a LONG while.

Here's something for the Smith clan, do you still believe he is the innocent little martyr you have always claimed? Why?

get_over_it said...

I understand this is your site, and you don't want to hear what I have to say or feel so please for give for the intrusion but, what's with the unhealthy obsession with GAS and his family. If the man did this than he is in jail and will be found guilty and locked away forever possibly put to death, if he didn't he'll be sit free. His family is going to stand behind him regardless, just as any other family would do. I just don't understand the obsession you have for this case it's is coming to the point or past of unhealthy.

Jesse said...

Get over it, if you don't like it then don't read. Now, if the family hadn't said some horrible and vulgar things about the victim and her children then I would never have posted. However, since they think it's ok to attack a dead girl after GEORGE ALAN SMITH and RON CHARLES beat her to death with multiple weapons that included a hatchet then it is totally ok for me to let all the dirty laundry of the George Alan SMITH pity party continue to be posted.

Not if that wasn't enough, but the GAS pity party repeated attacked and ridiculed the Brock family. So many victims and victim's families have been injured by these low life scum. Again, if you don't like it, don't read.

Smith will never be release, I pray that the murderers are shown the same pity and mercy that they showed their victims.

Anonymous said...

Well, Charles made it possible to make the Log Cabin's top stories of 2008. Fame must have been what the creep wanted. But, now they're saying he won't talk because his name was released. Well, Charles's sister works at the Leader and guess who released his name first???? THE LEADER! May the victim's families find some peace knowing these animals are locked up where they belong!

Jesse said...

What a nice Christmas, to be safe at home and know the the real bad criminals like George Alan Smith, Ron Charles and Troy Crook are all behind bars celebrating the only way locked up violent, vile scum bags can celebrate.

For some odd reason the GAS crew believe he will be getting released by the end of January. Well I guess in their case false hope is better then no hope at all. Not that they should have any reason in the world to celebrate this coming year is only going to show GAS in jail and convicted like the vile creep that he is. It's funny, every month the family believes he has a release and every month he just sit's and rots.

I don't know why niner thinks GAS is her boyfriend, when he is being passed around like a bag fritos and has many boyfriends of his own. Maybe the fat cow thinks that only a murderer who is locked up is her only hope for a meaningful relationship. How hopeless is that?

So Tanya finally completed her divorce and moved on to another. Hopefully her new bo is more of a man then GAS and less the murderer then GAS. But with a track record like her's, well, should we be looking for more bodies in a few years.

I wanted to share some new pictures of the stripper, GAS's sister and niner GAS's girl. Happy holiday's girls.

Jesse said...

New story on the Log Cabin.

Six murder suspects face pretrial Thursday


Jesse said...

I just had to go through some previous posted comments and in keeping with the Murderer's bashing party I think this comment deserves an encore. It was posted on True Crime Report and is frankly one of my very favorites:

sickofexcuses said:

sickofexcuses wrote:
I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the REAL VICTIMS here, and that is the young womans family that is waiting for positive indentification of the remains found. And the others they haven't found yet. Seems odd to me that they have been arrested and are currently in jail. Under protective custody no less. The police and investigators have probable cause for this action to have been taken. This is because they are guilty of murdering INNOCENT people. This does not make them upstanding citizens. I know Tiffany Stephenson (George's sister) that spoke to the news team. Believe me she is no prize and it wouldn't suprise me if she wasn't involved in this. She was arrested and taken to jail on drug and gun charges the sunday before George was arrested on thursday. She went to the Cabot Police Departmentwhen she was arrested and told them everything she knew. Obviously trying to take some of the heat off of herself. What kind of people raise their children to become adults that get into this amount of trouble. Did they just not care? Were they too protective or not protective enough? Was there any disipline when these children broke the law? Apparently not these people feel that their children are innocent angels and have done nothing wrong. Well your son wouldn't have been arrested and charged with CAPITAL MURDER if he were innocent.Your daughter wouldn't have been arrested for possession of a controlled substance, paraphanalia and guns one of which was reported stolen in a burglary. Everybody in this forum saying George is innocent, look at the facts people because it's not going to get much clearer than this. George, Ronnie and/if there was anyone else involved or aided in this killing spree, when they are sitting on death row awaiting execution (of course only after OUR tax dollars are spent to give them an lawyer, shelter and food) will you still feel sorry for them? Will you still say they are innocent, that they didn't do anything wrong? Who will you blame
Posted 10/04/2008 at 07:42:30 PM

Jesse said...

It's unfortunate that justice is slow. I'm certain that George Alan Smith is not at all sorry for killing anyone he's only sorry that he was caught. I see his family feels the same way, as long as the murder of someone doesn't occur to a family member of theirs they have no feelings at all. They only want to see that George doesn't pay the penalties for his crimes. I'd really like to see George shown the same mercy and pity that he inflicted on his victim/s. Being beat to death with a pipe and hatchet can't be an easy way to go. He deserves NOTHING. However, according to the Constitution he is entitled a trial, but in this case that is only a formality. I hope the prosecution asks for the death penalty. A monster like George is to dangerous to EVER be set free again. As for Charles, he'll never see anything outside of prison for the remainder of his life, that is already certain.

Jesse said...

Well Well Well.....
looks like the murdering Scum George Alan Smith is walking around readying himself to kill some other person. Here is the facts of the case:

Sandra Givens blood splattered evidence was found inside a locked building where George Alan Smith Worked

The weapons used to brutally murder Sandra Givens was found inside a locked building where George Alan Smith worked and had keys to

Sandra Givens body was found mere feet from the same building mentioned above again a Wright's cabinet where George Alan worked

Now George Alan Smith is walking around getting ready to kill someone's child, sister, mother and friend.

Good luck community

Unknown said...

Troy crook murdered my brother Silas in cold blood I hope he rots in jail

Anonymous said...

So glad Troy crook committed suicide

Anonymous said...

Me 2 is ronald Charles still alive they killed my family

AylaCrookNeiceOfTroyAllenCrook said...

Alright number 1 da POS comment ain't fucking needed cuz he killed dude and secondly it was an accident if ya don't know da story den don't fucking speak on it mother fucker.

But da story is the young boy that my Uncle shot and killed was his best friend Uncle Troy who got ahold of his step father's gun his friend came to da house and showed it off to his friend and they played Russian Roulette when the gun was pointed at my Uncle it didn't go off but it went off when Uncle Troy got the gun. The End.

That murder fucked him up for a long ass time cuz he had accidentally killed his best friend.

AylaCrookNeiceOfTroyAllenCrook said...

You worthless waist of space, air and oxygen piece of scum faggot ass nigger, I wish nothing but a slow painful aganizing public death for yo POS ass.

AylaCrookNeiceOfTroyAllenCrook said...

It was an accident they found a gun and played Russian Roulette.